What is Pro-Stride?
Pro-stride is a joint injection, made from your horse’s blood. It provides anti-inflammatory effects and pain control.
Lameness is often improved for a year after a single Pro-Stride injection, but the effect may be shorter or longer depending on the severity of the horse’s joint disease.
Our Mount Vernon vets offer Pro-Stride because it is a highly effective, safe, and cost-saving alternative to traditional joint injections and other therapies.
How does Pro-Stride work?
Pro-Stride concentrates the blood’s natural anti-inflammatory proteins.
When this highly concentrated solution is injected into a joint, it binds and stops the inflammatory proteins that are causing pain and cartilage destruction.
Pro-Stride is very safe when administered into a joint and can be done right at your farm in under 30 minutes.
Unlike steroid injection, there are no known long-term risks of Pro-Stride injections. It is also safe to use in joints that have previously been injected with steroids.
Is my horse eligible for Pro-Stride?
Pro-Stride is a great option for:
- Young performance horses with inflamed or sore joints. Pro-Stride will help protect the joints from future arthritis without the use of steroids
- Older horses may be at high risk due to metabolic diseases such as Cushing’s or Equine Metabolic Syndrome. Pro-Stride is made from the horse’s blood so there are no systemic effects, as can be seen with steroids.
- Actively competing horses as there is no withdrawal time for USEF and FEI competition.